Life before being a Super Model

Life before being a Super Model
Youngest of three

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life before she became a Super Model

Like my old family tradition at Christmas time for present opening; we would start at one end of the age bracket or the other, the following year it would be the other way then the year before. We are going to start from littlest to biggest this time. ( I was the littlest too!:) Isabella is my youngest. I named her the name my first born female would have been. She came to me at a pivotal moment in my life.

This is what she looked like when I met her.
She weight 1 pound. “Poor Baby” had injuries on her had that have left hidden scars. By the grace of God (from where I come from) she found a house with an opened door. She got all of her might to get threw that door and collapsed. Too sick to move, these giant warm hands caress every limp piece of her. As much as she hated bathes she welcomed this one. Feeling zero concern for her safety she relinquished to the warm water as it dripped over her tiny limp body. Her savior wiped her with a towel, ever so delicate. Her wet body reviled even more injuries then were thought to have had.

The Vet stated judging by her teeth she w
as anywhere between 1-3, all those yucky worms inside her, made digesting food very difficult. Starving for food she ravished her meal, unfortunately so did the worms. Soon as the food went in, it would come out the other end, explosive diarrhea. With her bum stinging and itchy from the activity, she gnawed away at herself for relief.

My sister in-law and her eldest daughter thought; “if anyone can bring her back to life, we can,” and that plan included me! :) Isabella had 1 month in Quarantine in my bathroom. She had ear mites along with the two worms. Ear mights are highly contagious to other animals. Also, introducing one animal to the other, normally is slow; if you want them to get along. Some take right to each other but others need time to adjust. I set up the ladder so she could watch out the window.

Her fur was very thin and so was she. I would swaddle Isabella in a baby blanket, hold her tight against my heart. She was a teeny tiny sack of “ba-daa-does” (we would tease Grandma, and get her to say that over and over :), (sack of potatoes). I would toss her over my left shoulder, swaddled, while she watched everything and sniffed everything in the air. Inside was all new to her, we think, yet she wasn’t scared. Knew how to use the littler box, yet buries her food as though outside. If she could only use vocabulary, then I would know the whole story. Since she doesn’t, it’s going to have to start from where we met. I can't imagine what being homeless like her would've been like. :)

This was her first soft beddy that fit in the bathroom sink.

You may recall, I stated she came at a pivotal moment in my life. I needed her “fur therapy” and Love as much as she needed mine. She came to me in the spring. The birds were coming alive as new migrations were arriving. We would sit in our backyar
d, I called it the “Aviary.” Isabella never squirmed. She’d just lay her chin on my shoulder and look around with the sun warming her little face; my heart beating against her underside.

I w
as so sad at that point in my life, I would rest my head back, the sun warming us, while a constant stream of tears would run down my face, no expression, no huffing, only our pain combined. I cried for us both. Isabell would take her "little sand paper" tongue and lick my tears. That made me smile every time! It would tickle. :) I would laugh and stop crying. For hours we would sit outside and feel better, or cry, or just be. Sometimes I would lift this little baby up to kiss her face and snuggle my face in her fur, I would notice tears in her eys and on her little face. Gently; as I wiped them away, she would push into my hand as though she wanted me to wipe her face. To caress her in some way.

Ok, I’ll be back to continue her story. I’m really “green” at the computer but learning new things every time. So until then, I’m off to tie up a “loose end” or two! :)

Oh, I will talk more about this man: He is a glass blower that makes amazing works of art! If you get time check him out. He is one of my idols as far as “following your dreams”!
Later, :)

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From the center of my heart and every breath I take; “Thank you!” Thank you to my Lord. Thank you to my parents for there sacrifice, being light hearted and truly defining what the word “Love” means. For growing up in a Loving home, I am truly Blessed. :)

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